Don't waste time invest time: Somasekhar Bhat
Don't waste time invest time: Somasekhar Bhat
Kundapur: A lecture program on Innovation: “Deciding the Future of Educational Institutions” was held at Bhandarkars College in association with Institution Innovation Council here on 8th November 2022.
Dr. Somasekhar, Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Manipal Higher Education, Manipal,w came as a resource person for the program, said that we should be indebted to the institution. The organization nurtures us by recognizing and encouraging our talent. He said that one should use the opportunity properly and shape the future.
Dr. Muhammad Zubai, Professor of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering Department of Manipal Higher Education, Manipal, spoke and said that let's build the country through creative innovations.
The program was presided over by the Principal of Bhandarkars Degree College, Dr. N.P. Narayana Shetty was in charge.
Coordinator of Institutional Innovation Council at Bhandarkar's College Dr. Lalithadevi welcomed. The students were welcomed by Yajusha, introduced by Anjanadevi and greeted by Anaj.
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